Why You Should Always Get Your Persian Rugs Professionally Cleaned

Persian rugs are often the centerpiece of your main rooms, with many people taking quite a lot of pride in these beautiful antiques that have survived for many years while still preserving the intricate designs and craftsmanship. With all that history and delicate work that has gone into these rugs in mind, it seems a little odd that so many people clean their Persian rugs by themselves, with little to no experience in this practice. [Read More]

Sleeper Sofas Can Be Used for so Many Areas and Reasons

There are a lot of times when having a sleeper sofa in your home may be a great thing. Sleeper sofas are sofas that look and feel like any other sofa. However, there is something special about them that you can't tell from the outside. These sofas have mattresses in them. You can remove the cushions, pull the mattress out and there will be a bed. They come in different sizes, so you can also get a bed in different sizes. [Read More]

3 Things You Want To Choose In A Bed

There are some specific things you should pay attention to when you are replacing your current mattress. One thing you should do before you start shopping for your next bed is to take notes on the things you like about the mattress you have now and the things that you are unhappy with about it. This will help you to know what features you should look for in your next bed. [Read More]

Three Storage Bed Options

If you're looking for a way to create more storage space in your bedroom, the answer can often come in the form of the right type of bed. When you shop for a new bed at a local furniture store, look for one that has built-in storage. Storage beds are available in several styles, making it easy to fit them to a bedroom that is rustic, modern, or something in between. [Read More]